In my story,
I was seduced by a woman who was in love with another man.
Because she carried my child, we married.
20 years later, her man came back around - and after their long affair, she told me that she was never mine - that her body belonged always to him.
So when I was single again, though love was so surprising, so appealing, like water in a desert...
I was not ready for it - it was agonizing - the risks were terrifying.
On day, while drawing with a burnt stick,
extending emotions through hand and fingers
loving my muse, feeling complete,
I stopped and made a vow...
I ate that charcoal, then promised to never allow any woman to get in the way of my drive to make art - with that, I felt safe.
Later, when dating my future wife, Barb, I told her what I had done - that I had married my muse and I didn’t know where that might take me, that she would always be the frosting, but never the cake - that I wanted the same for her... to follow her muse.
That’s why Barb and I are so happily married - we give each other wings. (And... Barb is awesome). #marriedtothemuse